Signage can be in many forms, like, outdoor displays, mat balloon display. Signage is a way of visual representation with the purpose of giving out information like details of an office address, a building address, an address of a store or a mall. It helps in directing people to reach a particular direction. It’s a means of communication with the customer by the retailer. The signage should never have more than the required information on it. It should always be designed uniquely. The display name of the brand should be highlighted and the contents should be simple yet effective in the message it wishes to convey. The color used, should be appropriate and the material used should be of good quality so that the signage can be used for longer periods of time.
Advertising is evident everywhere and necessary. A brand needs to convey the message to his probable clients and customers of the various products which it offers. For maximum exposure of its product to a larger consumer base, advertising is required. There are many forms of advertising. The traditional methods like print media, billboard advertising and the new age methods in the way of advertising in digital media.
Use of display stands in an exhibition is an excellent way to promote a business whether it’s a product and service. An exhibition can be a very good platform for marketing as the footfall of the public in tremendous in it.
It should always remember that the information on signage in a way is the first impression of your company that a customer gets at one glance.
Few of the types of display stands that are normally used in an exhibition are:
1. Display Boards: They display information about any specific products.
2. Brochure Stands: Brochures or pamphlets of the company can be displayed well in this sort of display.
3. Balloons Display Advertising: The display of the name can be seen from far.
4. Pop-Ups: A popular method of display in an exhibition, it is used in the backdrop by use of television screens while a talk/ demonstration is going on for a product.
5. Display of Posters
6. Through a long TV. It is always considered an effective medium for advertisement. Companies can select the time slot and duration of time for which the advertisement of their company can be displayed on it.
Some features of a good display stand include:
· It should be cost-effective.
· Is should have the options of variety.
· It should be portable.
· Preferably, it should be foldable.
· It should come in a variety of options and shapes.
A signage company in any country in any continent can provide services to all the sectors of industries and businesses. There are a number of well-known signage company in Dubai.